Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Update

In our November/ December Newsletter, we advised readers that the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) requested a Good Faith Effort Exemption from the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to delay final implementation of Electronic Visit Verification (EVV).  Readers may remember that the use of EVV is required by the 21st Century Cures Act for home health aide services paid by Medicaid.  DHS implemented a “soft launch” of EVV in October 2019 to help providers, employers, and managed care plans get familiar with the system and work out any problems prior to the January 1, 2020 implementation required by the law. 

There were more problems than anticipated and DHS determined that Pennsylvania needed more time to work through several issues.  The state requested an extension from CMS, which approved PA’s extension and granted the good faith effort exemption. 

To be clear, providers are still required to use EVV effective January 1, 2020.  All providers must also complete system integration activities with the DHS aggregator by March 2020.  Providers that are experiencing difficulties during integration and will not be ready by March 2020 should submit an extension request documenting the difficulties no later than Feb. 1, 2020.  Providers will need to complete an  exemption application form and email it to RA-PWEVVNOTICE@pa.gov to request an extension.  

Beginning July 1, 2020, all claims submitted without a matching EVV will be denied.  Individuals or providers with questions about EVV can find more information on the DHS website