PHLP Co-Hosts Webinar with Vision for Equality

On November 9, 2021, PHLP will partner with Vision for Equality to co-host a free, two-hour virtual training entitled "Intellectual Disability/Autism Waiver or Community HealthChoices: Which Will Meet Your Needs?" The training will take place from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Information on how to join the training can be found below.
During the training, attendees will:
- Learn the differences between the Office of Developmental Programs Waivers and Community Health Choices (CHC)
- Explore how the P/FDS, Community Living, and Consolidated Waivers compare to Community HealthChoices;
- Get the information you need to make an informed decision; and
- Know your rights when you speak to your Supports or Service Coordinator (SC).
For more information, or to request reasonable accommodations as identified under the ADA (must be 2 weeks in advance), please call 215-923-3349.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 835 2988 4452
Dial In Number: +1 646 558 8656 US