CMS Extends Eligibility For Equitable Relief For Medicare Part B Enrollment Delays And Penalties

Although equitable relief for Marketplace enrollees who mistakenly delayed enrolling in Medicare Part B has been available for some time, the federal government recently announced it would allow people who become eligible for Medicare Part A through June 2020 to seek this relief. This process has been available to people who became eligible for Medicare Part A since July 2013.  Equitable relief allows those who delayed enrolling in Medicare Part B when they became eligible because they were already enrolled in a Marketplace plan to enroll in Part B outside of normal enrollment periods and avoid or reduce a late enrollment penalty under certain circumstances. For more information about this change, see the CMS factsheet, here


In addition to this process, the federal government will increase outreach efforts to Marketplace enrollees. Starting in December 2019, mailings will be sent to all Marketplace enrollees who will turn 65 within the next month about the importance of enrolling in Medicare Part B.  Medicare enrollment communications have also been updated with additional information about the risks of continuing Marketplace coverage and delaying Medicare Part B enrollment after becoming Medicare eligible. 

As a reminder, equitable relief can be requested at any time through your local Social Security office.  People who have questions or need help applying for equitable relief are encouraged to contact APPRISE at 1-800-783-7067.